Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Project Continued

Below is my project that attempts to provide a professional look at a professional cosmetologist/stylist. This project slowly took the form of designs for a website. Four pages were designed including a home page, contact page, about page, and a page dedicated to a portfolio for the stylist. The target audience that my design was geared towards was that of industry professionals and potential employers/clients. I wanted to portray a sense of simple class that exuded the stylist's personality and ability. The software I used to create this project was Illustrator, Photoshop, and Flash (for the slide show on the portfolio page). This project maintained ethical and legal considerations as I designed and created it as well as the material. Some of the photo credits go to Hannah Kiefer. Any creative suggestions are welcome as this potentially will be used as Hannah's website in the very near future. Attached is a sketch of my original idea that resulted in the project images in the previous post.
Ryan H.

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